
dog energy Learn more about dog energy

  • Male dog infertility

    Male dog infertility

    Male dog infertility means that male dogs cannot be fertilized or their sperm cannot fertilize eggs: there are many kinds of infertility, including primary infertility, low energy and acquired infertility. In primary infertility, the most common is testicular hypoplasia, small size, hard or soft texture. Most sick dogs have normal libido, but have no sperm. In two sick animals with segmental epididymal dysplasia, the ejaculatory reflex is normal, but the ejaculated semen has no sperm. Low energy usually refers to a decrease in sperm count, a normal sperm count but extremely poor motility, or an abnormal sperm count, etc.

  • 8 ways to keep your dog quiet

    8 ways to keep your dog quiet

    In fact, barking is the nature of dogs, but some dogs are more nagging than others. If you have a dog that can never be quiet, try the following ways. Exercise: enough exercise can drain a dog's energy. after playing or running for a whole day, the dog would rather have a good sleep than waste energy barking. two。 Bite the bone: if something can stop the dog's mouth, they won't have time to bark, and the more difficult it is to bite, the more challenging it is, so next time when you're right

  • Discussion on the preparation and use of full-price feed for Wusuli raccoon dog

    Discussion on the preparation and use of full-price feed for Wusuli raccoon dog

    Racoon dog is endemic to East Asia, mainly produced in China, Russia, Korea, Japan, Mongolia and other countries, divided into many subspecies. Raccoon dogs are mainly distributed in Heilongjiang Province of China, the eastern and southeastern parts of Jilin Province and northeastern North Korea. At present, the vast majority of raccoon dogs farmed in China are Wusuli raccoon dogs from Heilongjiang Province. Raccoon dog is one of the fur animals with high economic value. compared with foxes and minks, raccoon dogs have many advantages, such as high litter size, high survival rate, easy breeding, stable market and so on.

  • Dietary Management of Adult Dogs

    Dietary Management of Adult Dogs

    Feed them once a day, walk them around and eat them full, and within a year they're already in the dog world. After 8 months of age, the feeding frequency can be reduced to 2 times a day. For dogs over 1 year old, the feeding frequency should be changed to once a day. By this time, the dog's physique has grown to be similar to that of an adult dog, and the stomach capacity has also increased. The food eaten at one time is enough to provide the energy needed for the whole day. In order to keep the dog healthy, the principle of feeding is to let it eat eight points full. Feeding time must be fixed every day. Feeding time: morning or evening

  • Feed and nutrition fat for raccoon dogs

    Feed and nutrition fat for raccoon dogs

    In feed composition analysis, all substances that can be extracted with ether are called crude fat, which includes fat, glycerol and lipid compounds. Fat is an essential component of the body. Such as reproductive cells in the mitochondria, Golgi body components are mainly phospholipids, nerve tissue contains a lot of lecithin and cephalin, blood contains a variety of fat. Skin and hair contain a lot of neutral fat, phospholipids, cholesterol and wax. Fat is the main source of heat energy in animals and the best source of energy.

  • The feed and nutrition of raccoon dogs. Fat

    The feed and nutrition of raccoon dogs. Fat

    In feed composition analysis, all substances that can be extracted with ether are collectively referred to as crude fat, which includes fat, glycerol and lipid compounds. Fat is an essential component of the body. For example, the components of mitochondria and Golgi apparatus in germ cells are mainly phospholipids, there are a lot of lecithin and brain phospholipids in nerve tissue, and all kinds of fats in blood. The skin and coat contain a lot of neutral fat, phospholipids, cholesterol and wax. Fat is not only the main source of heat energy for animals, but also the best form of energy storage. 1 gram of fat is in the body.

  • Source and feeding of raccoon dog feed

    Source and feeding of raccoon dog feed

    Source of feed 1.1 beans except puffer fish and other poisonous fish. most marine fish and freshwater fish can be used as feed for raccoon dogs. Fish contains not only high protein, but also fat, vitamin A, vitamin D and inorganic salts. The digestibility of fish is almost the same as that of meat, and the energy content varies greatly with different fish species. The nutritional value of fresh fish fed raw is higher than that of cooked fish, but some marine fish and most freshwater fish contain thiaminase, which can destroy vitamin B1, such as vitamin B2 deficiency caused by long-term feeding.

  • Does the puppy learn to drive in 8 weeks? How high is the IQ of a dog as a pet?

    Does the puppy learn to drive in 8 weeks? How high is the IQ of a dog as a pet?

    Keeping a dog seems to have become the first choice for most people to keep pets, and recently, the news that puppies have learned to drive in eight weeks has become a hot search. So what's going on? What's the details? How high is the IQ of a dog? Next, I will come with the editor.

    2020-11-11 Puppies 8 weeks learn to drive as pets dogs
  • How does a beagle train a hound to eat what is the strongest and fastest

    How does a beagle train a hound to eat what is the strongest and fastest

    The hound is relatively small, and it is mainly used to hunt rabbits. The beagle has an active character and can get along well with human beings. Despite the fact that the beagle is very small, its strength is very great. After training, the beagle is very important to its owner.

    2020-11-08 Hounds dogs how training dogs eat what the strongest there are
  • Chronic renal failure in dogs

    Chronic renal failure in dogs

    Chronic renal failure in dogs is one of the common diseases in old dogs, which is a sign of the later stage of nephropathy. Most of the dogs die of uremic syndrome. [etiology] the main functions of the kidney are excretion (such as protein metabolic waste), regulation (such as acid-base balance) and biosynthesis (such as erythropoietin). The clinical symptoms are obviously exposed only after the kidney tissue has been widely destroyed. therefore, elderly dogs should pay attention to physical examination. [symptoms] divide azotemia and urine

  • Tibetan mastiff prenatal preparation and precautions

    Tibetan mastiff prenatal preparation and precautions

    The pregnancy period of the general dog is 58~65 days (average 63 days), when the female dog is pregnant close to 60 days, the signs of birth will gradually appear: 1, the female dog began to appear restless, constantly scratching the floor with the forefoot, mat, a pair of nesting movements. 2. Most bitches are born

    2020-11-08 Tibetan mastiff prenatal preparation and precautions general dog
  • How much is a purebred Border Collie?

    How much is a purebred Border Collie?

    Border collies are smart and docile, have strong learning ability, have high understanding ability, are good at observing words and expressions, can understand their owners' instructions, and are particularly loyal. Now many people want to keep a Border Collie as a pet, so how much is a purebred Border Collie?

    2020-11-11 Purebred border sheepdog more less money one
  • How much is a Whibbit dog?

    How much is a Whibbit dog?

    How much is a Whibbit dog?

  • What breeds of pet dogs do you have? What are the differences in appearance and character? An introduction to the breed of dogs

    What breeds of pet dogs do you have? What are the differences in appearance and character? An introduction to the breed of dogs

    In recent years, more and more families have pet dogs. Dogs, as the most loyal companions of human beings, have gradually entered the family life of human beings in recent years. Owners who have kept dogs for many years should know that dogs' feelings for human beings sometimes even exceed the affection between human beings.

    2020-11-27 Pet dogs all have which breed appearance and character different
  • How big can Golden Retriever grow?

    How big can Golden Retriever grow?

    Male Golden Retriever can grow to 58-61 cm tall and weigh 26-31.5 kg; female Golden Retriever can grow to 52-56 cm tall and 25-27 kg; their lifespan is between 12 and 15 years. How does the golden hair comb the dog's hair? Combing time: comb the hair once in the morning and evening, 5 minutes each time.

    2020-11-11 Golden hair canine energy length size male golden hair long to
  • How big can a dog grow?

    How big can a dog grow?

    Teacup dog is relatively small, adults can hold up a palm, because of its unique shape and by some pet lovers sought after, then how long can the teacup dog grow? I. How big can a teacup dog grow? The teacup dog is relatively small and can grow to 18-2 under normal development.

    2020-11-11 teacup dog energy length size dog compare pocket adult
  • The rice seedlings were caused by the improper proportion of the diet.

    The rice seedlings were caused by the improper proportion of the diet.

    The rice seedlings were caused by the improper proportion of the diet.

  • What's a good breed of pet dog?

    What's a good breed of pet dog?

    Many people are willing to keep animals at home to accompany themselves, dogs are a good choice, but because we do not understand, do not know what breed of pet dogs, how should we choose? What is a good breed of pet dogs? pet dogs can have Labradors and Kim.

    2020-11-11 Pet dog raise what breed good many people all wish intention
  • What kind of meat dog is good to raise?

    What kind of meat dog is good to raise?

    What kind of meat dog is good to raise?

  • How much is a Beijing dog?

    How much is a Beijing dog?

    How much is a Beijing dog?
